Edson Soares Lannes/ English version:Carlos Alberto Lannes
The Círculo Psicanalítico do Rio de Janeiro was founded on March 27th, 1969, inspired by Anna Katrin Kemper, the wife of Dr. Werner Kemper, who was himself a pioneer in the psychoanalytical movement in Rio de Janeiro. She was a training-analyst at the SPRJ, an IPA affiliate Society, which she left permanently after her husband’s return to Germany, in 1967. Her revolutionary views and practice of Psychoanalysis attracted a few colleagues who were interested in the study of Psychoanalytical Theory, less restrained by the then existing Institutional rules and dogmas.Since its founding, the Círculo has questioned many of these classical dogmas, thus striving to create new conditions that could actually foster better results from the study of Psychoanalysis.As a result of continuous reevaluation of its methods, the Círculo has now a new organizational structure. The change was made in 1993 and consists primarily in the creation of the “Forum of Psychoanalysis”. This is a place within the strucuture of our Society, in which its members are supposed to conduct all their scientific activities, guided by the principle that psychoanalytical training is an on-going process, a permanent task, throughout their entire prefessional life.
This Forum is opened to anyone interested in the study of psychoanalytical themes. Non-members who wish to become members are invited to participate in the scientific program. They may apply for membership after having participated in the Forum for sufficient time to be familiar with the Institution and to be recognized as analysts by the members of the Círculo. The admission is voted in a general assembly, allowing for a clearer, democratic process for the admission of new members. We believe this process of admission to be a major step, a definite improvement over the previous criteria for the acceptance of new members.
We, the Círculo’s members, are a group devoted to preserving interest in its professional field, without foregoing the “free association” of ideas, and that strives to cultivate a working space with an organizational structure that will not go beyond whatever is strictly necessary to the realization of its creative potentials.
Text – Edson Soares Lannes
English version – Carlos Alberto Lannes